Reviews provide potential customers with valuable insights into a company’s services. By reading online reviews, customers can learn about the quality of a company’s offerings and how well they meet customer needs. This information can be crucial in helping customers make informed purchase decisions.

Additionally, online reviews can help businesses improve their products or services by providing honest feedback. Many customers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

At the heart of any successful business is a strong customer base. One of the most effective ways to build and grow this base is through positive reviews from your customers. Reviews can help you attract new customers, improve your visibility online, and increase engagement with your existing customers. Read on for more about how online reviews help you get more customers.

Get more customers with reviews

Reviews Are Visible On Google Map Pack (Local Pack) Search Results

Google searches for local businesses often will display a google map with 3 listings that Google deems to be the best results for the search query. These listings will prominently display the review aggregate star rating as well as the number of total reviews. Many SEO experts believe that reviews are a ranking factor for these listings. More reviews are key to getting seen by more customers!

Reviews Help Organic SEO Rankings If They Include Keywords And Location

Google appears to use the content of reviews that include keywords and/or location information are part of its ranking algorithm. You may want to suggest in your review request your customer mention the specific services you provided and the city. Again, more reviews will help you get seen by more customers.

87% Of Consumers Read Online Reviews For Local Businesses

A December 2020 local consumer review study by BrightLocal found an astonishing 87% of customers read online reviews for local businesses before making a purchasing decision. This shows how important reviews are for local businesses. You want to make sure your review profile is complete including your business name to help make it an easy decision for your customers to hire you.

Reviews On Multiple Sites

Since Google is the leader in online reviews it is tempting to just focus on getting more Google reviews. There are many other review sites that you may want to build your reputation on depending on your industry. For example, Chiropractors may want to also get reviews on HealthGrades or RateMDs. Restaurants will want reviews on Yelp and Facebook recommendations. Specialized businesses may find value in building reviews on industry-specific or locally focused websites. Customers may find you by searching industry-specific review sites.

Google My Business Is Now Google Business Profile

Recently Google My Business(GMB) name changed to Google Business Profile(GBP). You want to make sure your small business name and business page are correct on your GBP. This information is used for Google Maps. Google Maps have a write a review link to encourage reviews.

Market Your Reviews On Website & Social Media

You’ve built a great review profile you also should market it by displaying reviews directly on your website and sharing them on social media. Reviews are Social Proof of your business success! Make it easy for your customers to see and read your online reviews by displaying all your reviews directly on your website. This is especially helpful if you have reviews on multiple review sites. You don’t want to send them off to a review site that may list all your competitors. Reviews should be part of your online marketing.

Positive Reviews & Negative Reviews

It’s tempting to only ask happy customers or satisfied customers for an honest review. You should be consistent and ask for a review from all new and current customers. You should think of online customer reviews as customer feedback. Local businesses should gather reviews as part of their digital marketing. Your happiest customers and loyal customers will write glowing reviews about their customer experience. Other customers may leave a negative review. Bad reviews can happen to good businesses. How you respond is important as future customers will read reviews and your replies.

How To Get More Online Reviews

Small businesses should encourage customers to leave online reviews. Most review sites allow you to encourage all customers to write a review. Do not offer incentives. Note that soliciting reviews is against Yelp’s review policies.

Here are some simple things businesses can do to encourage customers to write a review:

  • Make it easy for them to leave a review. Provide direct links to your review pages on your website and social media profiles, and make sure your contact information is up to date.
  • Be proactive. Reach out to individual customers and ask them to leave a review in person, over email, SMS TXT, or through social media.
  • Send a couple of timed reminders if the customer does initially leave a review.
  • You can use an email signature with a direct link to leave reviews.
  • Have a system in place to make it easy for you to request reviews.

By incorporating these strategies into your marketing efforts, you can get more customer reviews and build a strong customer base.

Now you know some of the ways online reviews can get you more customers. If you need an easy-to-use review platform try and start getting more online reviews today!

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