Build Customers: How to Get More Reviews
for Your Remodeling Company

Are you looking to boost your remodeling company’s credibility and attract more clients? Getting more reviews can significantly enhance your online presence and build trust with potential customers. In this guide, we’ll unveil proven tactics and innovative strategies to increase your review volume effectively. From crafting the perfect review requests to leveraging technological platforms and maximizing social proof, find out how to get more reviews for your remodeling company and grow your business.

Key Takeaways

  • Craft a personalized, timely request for reviews across emails, texts, and in-person, and remember to provide direct links to make leaving a review super easy.
  • Build up your social proof with online reviews, and great before-and-after galleries, and actively engage on social media with customer experiences to showcase your remodeling magic.
  • Hone in on local SEO tactics, keep your content fresh and relevant, and don’t forget to actively manage and respond to reviews - good or bad - for that touch of authenticity.

Crafting the Perfect Request for Client Reviews

Just as an artist needs the right brush to create a masterpiece, you need to craft the perfect request to get those coveted client testimonials. But how do you do that? It’s all about personal touch, timing, and the right medium, whether it’s email, text message, or an in-person conversation.

We’ll explore each of these channels in detail to help you garner more positive reviews for your remodeling business.

Personal Touch in Email Requests

Imagine automated sending a personalized email requesting a review. By crafting a concise, polite, and personalized email, you can enhance your customer’s recollection and appreciation of your service, increasing the likelihood of them leaving a review.

Including a direct link to a review funnel page makes it convenient for customers. Automated sending a few follow-up emails can also motivate your customers to leave a review – it’s all about gentle persistence.

A person sending an email review request

Leveraging Text Messages for Quick Feedback

Did you know that 95% of text messages are read within three minutes of being received? That’s instant connectivity at your fingertips! When used responsibly, text messages can be a powerful tool for obtaining immediate feedback. So, how to use them effectively? Here are some tips:

  • Keep your message concise with a clear call to action
  • Include a direct link to the review funnel page
  • Remember, timing is everything. Send a text after completing a service, and invite customers to share their experiences, but avoid sending too many messages to prevent irritation.

Keep in mind, that respect for privacy is paramount – only send messages to customers who have consented to receive them.

Direct Conversations at Project Completion

There’s something about a face-to-face conversation that makes it more impactful, don’t you agree? When you’ve built a strong relationship with your clients, in-person requests for reviews can be incredibly effective. Engage in a conversation about their experience, and if they respond positively, guide the discussion towards leaving a review. Let them know you will send them an email or TXT with links to make it easy for them to leave a review.

Maximizing Social Proof Through Quality Showcase

Online reviews, testimonials, before-and-after galleries, and customer experiences shared on social media - all these elements serve as social proof that validates your remodeling company’s expertise and quality.

Wondering how to utilize this social proof to draw in more reviews and potential customers? Let’s delve into it.

Highlighting Success Stories on Your Website

Your website is the digital front door of your remodeling company, and what better place to showcase your success stories? By displaying reviews on the homepage, you introduce new visitors to your brand through the lens of satisfied customers. Creating a dedicated reviews page allows potential customers to find all reviews in one place, aiding them in their buying decisions.

Don’t hesitate to use various types of content. Video testimonials, social media feedback screenshots, and user-generated content can make your site more engaging and build trust among visitors.

Before-and-After Galleries

A picture is worth a thousand words, and a set of before-and-after pictures can tell the entire story of a successful remodeling job. Such photo galleries not only provide proof of your service quality but also increase customer engagement and credibility.

Boost engagement by optimizing your galleries with pertinent descriptions, keywords, and SEO strategies. Make sure your galleries are easily navigable, displaying a wide range of services to show off your expertise. Don’t forget, that quality is vital! Use professional techniques such as consistent camera angles, good lighting, and distraction-free scenes to enrich the aesthetic appeal of your photos.

Finally, include reviews from the customer on the project page.

Before and after remodeling images

Sharing Customer Experiences on Social Media

Social media is where your customers hang out, making it the perfect platform to share customer experiences and reviews. Encouraging satisfied clients to share their experiences on your company’s social media pages fosters trust and creates a sense of community. Use visually-driven platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and Houzz to showcase compelling visual content, and don’t forget to use targeted keywords and hashtags to drive traffic to your website.

Incorporating user-generated content like reviews, photos, and videos can bolster your marketing strategies and foster trust with consumers.

Search Engine Optimization:
A Path to More Reviews

Now that we’ve covered how to ask for reviews and showcase them, let’s talk about how to increase your online visibility to attract more reviews. The answer lies in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). By optimizing your website and content, you make it easier for potential customers to find you. And the more customers find you, the more reviews you get.

Let’s examine how you can utilize local SEO tactics and content marketing to benefit your remodeling company.

Local SEO optimization

Local SEO Tactics for Remodelers

When potential customers are looking for home improvement services in their area, you want to be the first company they find. That’s where local SEO comes in. By claiming and optimizing your Google My Business profile, you enhance your visibility on Google, which is often the first platform customers use when searching for a business. Registering with trusted local directories like:

  • Angi
  • Home Advisor
  • Houzz
  • BBB
  • Yelp

also increases your visibility and credibility.

Consistency is key. Keeping your business’s Name, Address, and Phone number (NAP) uniform across all online directories and your website boosts search engine trust and rankings. Also, ensure your website is mobile-friendly, considering the increasing number of searches made on mobile devices.

Content Marketing to Drive Engagement

What’s the best way to attract potential customers to your website? By offering them valuable information! Content marketing plays a crucial role in driving engagement and attracting potential customers. By producing high-quality content that addresses common home improvement questions and includes local keywords, you can attract visitors and highlight your services.

Adding customer reviews to product pages and utilizing review content in your online advertising can significantly increase conversion rates and credibility. Remember, variety is key. Broaden your range of content types to include white papers, e-books, and guest posts for local publications to build links and raise brand awareness.

Transforming Negative Feedback
into Positive Growth

Incentivizing Reviews Without Compromising Integrity

We all enjoy incentives! However, how can you encourage reviews without compromising your integrity? The key is to develop reward programs for loyal customers and provide referral bonuses for word-of-mouth promotions.

Referral Bonuses for Word-of-Mouth Promotion

Word-of-mouth is still one of the most powerful marketing tools out there. Encouraging word-of-mouth promotion through referral bonuses can significantly increase the number of reviews for your remodeling company. Offering significant cash rewards for successful referrals can encourage more customers to participate, leading to more business engagements.

Reward program concept

Engage and Respond: The Power of Active Review Management

You’ve asked for reviews, incentivized them, and optimized your online presence to attract more reviews. But your job doesn’t end there. Active review management is crucial for showing that your remodeling company values its clients and for establishing authenticity.

Wondering how to actively manage reviews? Let’s delve into it.

Addressing Negative Feedback Constructively

Negative feedback can be a hard pill to swallow, but it’s an opportunity for improvement. By acknowledging and responding to negative feedback, you show your responsiveness and willingness to improve service quality. Effective handling of negative reviews involves thanking the reviewer, empathizing with their experience, and affirming your company’s commitment to high service standards.

Keep in mind, that consistent and constructive engagements show your commitment to addressing customer concerns and upholding high service standards.

Celebrating Positive Reviews Publicly

Nothing boosts morale like a pat on the back! Celebrating a positive review publicly can increase remodeling leads and improve conversion rates. By acknowledging positive reviews, you show your appreciation for your customers and inspire others to leave positive reviews of their own.

Showcase customer reviews on website

Integrating Review Calls-to-Action Across Your Marketing Efforts

Requesting a review is crucial, but the approach can significantly influence the outcome. Incorporating review calls-to-action in your marketing initiatives can subtly encourage your customers to leave their invaluable customer feedback.

Let’s discuss how to do this effectively in your email signatures and print materials.

Email Signatures with Review Links

Your email signature is more powerful than you think! By adding a Google Review link to your email signature, you can encourage clients to leave reviews after interactions. Whether it’s clickable buttons, banners, or links, having a direct call-to-action in your email signature can make the Google Reviews process more memorable and effective.

Keep in mind, that relevance is crucial. Make sure your review CTA content aligns with your email subject to boost the likelihood of clients leaving a review.

Navigating Review Platforms for Maximum Impact

Review platforms are numerous, but knowing which ones to focus on and how to navigate them can maximize their impact on your remodeling business. Let’s examine how to choose the most popular sites among home improvement clients and the significance of routinely updating your business listings.

Selecting Sites Popular with Home Improvement Clients

Not all platforms are created equal. Some popular platforms for home improvement companies and their services include:

  • Houzz
  • Better Business Bureau (BBB)
  • Angi
  • Thumbtack

When searching for a reliable home improvement company, these platforms can be a great starting point.

These platforms are key for maintaining a trustworthy online presence and garnering more online reviews.

Maintaining a presence on local review sites that align with your geographical service areas can also be essential.

Regularly Updating Business Listings

Just like you update your wardrobe, you need to update your business listings! Regularly reviewing and updating your listings ensures accurate information, reducing customer confusion and reinforcing credibility. Utilize Google Business Profile and Google Posts to manage and share content directly in search results, signaling active management and increasing visibility on Google.

Accuracy is not only important for customer trust but also for complying with legal requirements. It’s crucial to regularly update business listings and monitor reviews on contractor review sites to manage your reputation and enhance your services.


As we wrap up, remember that reviews are the lifeblood of your remodeling business marketing. From crafting the review request to maximizing social proof, leveraging SEO, and managing reviews, each step is crucial in building a positive online reputation. The journey to getting more reviews might seem daunting, but with these tips and strategies, you’re well-equipped to turn your satisfied customers into your brand ambassadors.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get more reviews for my remodeling business?

To get more reviews for your remodeling business, ask all your customers for reviews, and make sure to ask at the right time. Make is super easy with a review funnel page that has direct links to your targeted review platforms. Remember to automate follow-up with customers and respond to both positive and negative reviews on different sites. And don’t forget to thank those who take the time to review your business.

How can I showcase my remodeling company’s work effectively?

Showcase your remodeling company’s work through success stories on your website, before-and-after galleries, and sharing customer reviews on social media. These methods help build trust and credibility among potential customers.

What is local SEO and how can it help my remodeling business?

Local SEO can help your remodeling business by making it more visible to potential customers in your area when they search for remodeling services, leading to increased online traffic and more opportunities for customer reviews.

Can incentives encourage customers to leave reviews?

Yes, offering incentives like reward programs and referral bonuses can motivate customers to leave reviews. Customers are more likely to share their experiences when they are rewarded for doing so. Note that you should disclose any incentives in exchange for reviews and offering incentives may be against the rules for some review sites.

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