How to get more roofing company reviews

There’s no question that reviews are important for businesses in the roofing industry. Just a few years ago, potential customers would rely on word-of-mouth recommendations from friends and family when choosing a roofing contractor. But today, an increasing number of people are turning to the internet to find online reviews before making a purchase decision.

Online Reviews

More than ever, consumers are doing their online research before selecting a roofing contractor. This is especially true when it comes to something as important and costly as roofing services. A roof is a significant investment, and they will want to make sure they choose a reputable company that will do the job right. They may check roofing company reviews on multiple sites. Google Business Profile, HomeAdvisor, BBB, Yelp, and Angi are all top roofing company review sites. Each of these websites provides detailed customer reviews that will help them narrow down options and choose the best roofing company for their needs. Online reputation is critical for any roofing business today.

Roofing contractor performing roof repairs

Roofing Company

As a roofing company, it is important to have online reviews on multiple sites in order to reach the widest audience of potential customers. Google Business Profile, HomeAdvisor, BBB, Yelp, and Angi are all top roofing company review sites that will provide detailed customer reviews to help them narrow down their options.

Roofing Business

Roofing Businesses and roofing contractors need to be cognizant of the value of roofing company reviews. In a world where information is readily available, potential and current customers are likely to research businesses before doing business with them. This is especially true in the case of services that are considered high-risk, such as roofing. As a result, it is important for roofing companies to actively solicit reviews from their customers and to make sure that these reviews are positive.

If you’re a roofing contractor looking to get more reviews from your customers, there are a few things you can do. First, make sure you have profiles on all of the major review sites, such as Google Business Profile, HomeAdvisor, BBB, Yelp, and Angi. Then, make sure that you have a process in place for requesting online reviews from your customers. You can do this by emailing or texting your new customers including a link to a review site. Finally, follow up by responding to any reviews. By taking these steps, you can increase the number of positive reviews you have and attract more business.

Negative Reviews

Did you know that customers may trust online reviews more if there are some negative reviews? Even a single negative review can actually help your roofing business look more credible. It's important how to handle negative reviews. These can be opportunities to improve your business. A professional response from the business owner could turn a bad review into a positive review. Satisfied customers are more likely to give personal recommendations for your roofing business. You should also try to generate more positive online reviews to offset any negative reviews.

Happy customers generate leads with high-quality reviews. Google reviews, Facebook reviews, Yelp reviews are great for generating leads. Your satisfied customers will generate more roofing leads with personal recommendations.

Roofing contractor reviews

Reputation Management for Roofing Business

Reputation management is more than just generating more online reviews. You need to have a business process in place to generate more reviews, respond to reviews, handle negative reviews and market your positive reviews. Your marketing materials should include some of your positive reviews. Encourage your customers to leave feedback in addition to a star rating. It's helpful if the text of the good review mentions things like roof repairs, high-quality materials, excellent job. Managing your roofing business's online reputation will help your lead generation and create new business.

Business Listings

Make sure your company information on business listings such as Google My Business is correct and up to date. Note Google My Business has been renamed Google Business Profile. Potential new customers will perform an online search for roofing contractors and check reviews for local businesses. Even with a personal recommendation, they will still check reviews for your roofing business. It's critical for your roofing company's local SEO that your company be shown on Google Maps. Search engine optimization will help your lead generation by showing up in local search results for terms such as roof repair and roofing contractor reviews.

Yelp Listing

It's important you claim and manage your Yelp listing. Make sure your business listing on your Yelp page is accurate. Yelp is often overlooked in favor of Google My Business. Don't underestimate the importance of positive Yelp reviews. We tend to think of Yelp reviews as for restaurants however according to Yelp about 13% of reviews are for home services such as roofing contractors.

Reputation Management Made Easy!

Easily Generate, Monitor, and Share Customer Reviews by using reputation management software. You can automate the review request process and greatly increase your roofing company's online reviews. You can also use the software to help respond to online reviews. This will help you take care of your online reputation and generate more leads.

Now that you know how to get more roofing company reviews, it's time to put these tips into action! By following these simple steps, you can increase the number of positive reviews you have and attract more business. We'll help make it easy for you and easy for your customers!

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