If your business website is built on WordPress, you can install our Review Stream WordPress plugin for easy integration. Your reviews are displayed with SEO-friendly markup.

NOTE: We strongly recommend you use the review stream widgets instead of Wordpress Review Stream Plugin.

Set up Wordpress Review Stream Plugin

1) Once you've received your API token, you can install the Review Stream plugin directly within the Wordpress dashboard by clicking Plugins > Add New Plugin.

WordPress Dashboard Add New Plugin

2) Search for the plugin named “Review Stream”.
Click “Install Now”.

WordPress Dashboard Review Stream Install Now

3) On the Installed Plugins page, find your Review Stream plugin and click Settings.

Review Stream plugin installed

4) Select your settings and
be sure to click “Save Changes”.

Review Stream plugin Settings

Entity Type

Local Business or Product

Review Schema


Use schema only on reviews collected directly

Check to comply with Google’s August 2016 schema markup guidelines

API Token

Provided by getmoreonlinereviews.com

Path or Shortname


What to show

  • Aggregate rating
  • Reviews
  • Powered By
  • Include empty reviews
  • Include only approved reviews
  • Use reviewer’s last initial

Default review count

Must be between 1 and 50

Display reviews as

List or Carousel

Pagination (“List” view)

Check to show previews/next page

If you want to exercise extra caution in regards to Google’s August 2016 schema markup guidelines, check the Use schema only on reviews collected directly? box. This will only display the aggregated rating for reviews collected directly through the platform in your search results and remove any third-party ratings from your search results.

Be sure to save your changes. Now you can add your review stream to your desired location on your website using the shortcode [reviewstream.] Use the [path] attribute if you want to place the review stream from another landing page on the same website as your default stream.

Available attributes for WordPress Review Stream Plugin

Use any of the below attributes alone or in combination to override your default plugin settings. To add the review stream to your WordPress page or post with your default settings, simply type [reviewstream] where you would like the stream to appear.


Use this attribute to change the number of reviews displayed. The default count is 5. Here’s an example shortcode to display 3 reviews:[reviewstream count=3]


This attribute will display your review stream in "carousel" format (i.e. one review displayed at a time, changing every few seconds). The shortcode would look like this:[reviewstream display=carousel]


Use this attribute to display a review stream from a different profile in your account than the one you have set as the default. For example, if your default path is “profile-a” but you want to show the stream for “profile-b”, your shortcode would be:[reviewstream path=profile-b]


Setting this attribute to “true” will display your business’ aggregate rating (the average rating across all monitored reviews). Setting it to “false” will remove it. Here’s an example shortcode to display the aggregate rating: [reviewstream show_aggregate_rating=true]


Setting this attribute to “true” will display your reviews. Setting it to “false” will remove the reviews. This attribute is intended for use when you only want to show the aggregate rating - you will typically have the aggregate rating toggled on in your default plugin settings. Here’s an example shortcode for exactly that scenario:[reviewstream show_reviews=false]

Review Stream Widgets Alternative to WordPress Plugin

How to Add a Review Stream Widget to Your Website

How to Add a Floating Carousel Display Widget for Reviews

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